I had an answer all typed to you and pushed a wrong button and lost it all, so here goes again. ( I originally typed in your whole name too ).
I am here because it is a place where I can say anything I want about anything. The friends I have now (nonwitnesses), are wonderful people but we can't have real deep conversations because we do not share a common background.
Never suppose that my beliefs are anything but bible-based. It is because of this common thread that I want all my old friends back. We share the same thoughts and values. The reason I've not had a happy day since being df'd is that I am away from the freinds that I believe have Jehovahs blessing.
You may be right about my trusting anyone these days. All I wanted from this board is an answer from elders or ex's about what to expect when trying to get reinstated. The ones who answered me have been very kind and helpfull. Who else would I go to for answers? I'd rather be a little bit armed when I face the committee ... and this way I will be.
If I'm asked about my doings while df'd I won't lie but I won't offer anything that isn't asked either. This is not fudging ... it is being self protective.
northern girl.